Trademark – Creation and Maintenance
The word 'Trade mark' means a mark capable of being represented graphically and capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of others. A trademark may include shape of goods, their packaging and combination of colours.
Our services in this area include:
- Trademark search
- Trademark registration and prosecution
- Trademark Litigation
Copyright – Creation and Maintenance
Copyright protects works of authorship belonging to literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, a cinematograph film, or a sound recording.
- Copyright registration and prosecution
- Copyright litigation
Geographical Indication – Creation and Maintenance
Geographical Indications (GI) are one of the eight intellectual property items coming under WTO's TRIPs (Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights).
A registered Geographical Indications prohibit a third party to use such Geographical indication by any means in the designations or presentations of goods that indicate that such goods originates in a geographical area.
Geographical indication registration can be applied for only by any association of persons or producers or any organisation or authority established for representing the interest of the producers of the concerned goods. The applicant has to be a legal entity and should be representing the interest of producers of the good applied for. Hence, the applicant for geographical indication cannot be an individual representing an association of persons or producer.